Ortho-k: The Nonsurgical Alternative to Correcting Vision

Ortho-k: The Nonsurgical Alternative to Correcting Vision

Ortho-k: The Nonsurgical Alternative to Correcting Vision

Ortho-k: The Nonsurgical Alternative to Correcting Vision

Do you want to improve your vision without surgery or glasses? If so, you might be interested in ortho-k, a noninvasive and reversible treatment that reshapes your cornea while you sleep. 


What Is Ortho-k?


Ortho-k stands for orthokeratology, which is a type of contact lens therapy. It involves wearing specially designed rigid gas-permeable (RGP) lenses overnight, allowing the lenses to gently mold your cornea into an ideal shape. 

The application of controlled force by the lenses can fix vision problems like nearsightedness, farsightedness, or blurry vision. You simply remove your ortho-k lenses in the morning and see clearly all day without corrective lenses.


How Does Ortho-k Work?


Ortho-k works by applying controlled pressure to your cornea, the clear front surface of your eye. The pressure flattens the center of your cornea if you have myopia. It steepens the cornea if you have hyperopia or smooths out irregularities if you have astigmatism. This changes how light rays enter your eye and focus on your retina, resulting in improved vision.

The effect of ortho-k is temporary and reversible. Your corneas will slowly go back to how they were before if you stop using the lenses. As such, you must wear the lenses every night or every other night to maintain the desired outcome. The duration and degree of correction depend on several factors, such as your prescription, eye shape, lens design, and wearing schedule.


Benefits of Ortho-k


Ortho-k has many advantages over other methods of vision correction, such as:


Safe and Effective


The FDA approved ortho-k in 2002. It has a low risk of complications. It can correct mild to moderate levels of myopia, hyperopia, and astigmatism with high accuracy and stability.


Convenient and Comfortable


Ortho-k eliminates the hassle of wearing glasses or daytime contact lenses. You can enjoy clear vision without any restrictions on your activities or appearance. You can also avoid the dryness, irritation, or infection that may occur with regular contact lens use.


Suitable for All Ages and Lifestyles


Ortho-k can benefit anyone who wants to be free from glasses or surgery. It is ideal for those involved in sports, outdoor activities, or occupations that require good vision. It can help kids and teens with progressive myopia, as it may slow down or stop the worsening of their condition.


Affordable and Cost-effective


Ortho-k is comparable in price to other forms of vision correction, such as glasses or LASIK surgery. But in the end, you can spend less money because you do not often have to buy new glasses or contacts.


How to Get Started 


If you are interested in ortho-k, you should consult an eye doctor specializing in this treatment. They will perform an eye exam and determine if you are a good candidate. They will also measure your cornea and prescribe custom-made lenses that fit your eyes perfectly.

They will teach you how to wear and look after your lenses, and you should do what they say. You will also need to visit them regularly for follow-up exams and adjustments. With proper guidance and compliance, you can achieve optimal results with ortho-k.




Ortho-k is a nonsurgical alternative to correcting vision that can improve your quality of life. Do not delay and contact an eye care professional if you are curious about ortho-k or want to book an appointment. Your doctor will discuss and help you achieve your best vision.

For more information on ortho-k, visit Dr. Fallon Patel & Associates at our Oakville, Burlington, Stoney Creek, or Hamilton, Ontario offices. Call (905) 845-5653, (289) 266-0284, (289) 678-0121, or (289) 678-0120 to schedule an appointment today.

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